Financial Aid

Repayment of Federal Financial Aid

Return to Title IV

接受联邦经济援助的学生退出或停止参加所有课程 may be required to return all or a portion of financial aid received. If 你 officially 在新学期的第一周放弃所有的课程,就好像你 never registered. If 你 have charged any books, it will be 你r responsibility to pay those charges. 

财政援助在每学期的第二周开始向学生发放资金. If 你 are not registered, 你 will not be paid any financial aid. 

Federal regulations [HEA Section 484B, 485(a)(1)(F), 34 CFR 668.22], referred to as 标题IV基金的回报政策,要求林本顿社区学院计算 退还和偿还联邦助学金的学生谁撤回之前 60% point of a term for which they have received federal aid. The Title IV (federal) 该政策下的项目有:联邦佩尔助学金,联邦补充教育 机会补助金(FSEOG)和联邦直接贷款(补贴,无补贴和 加上). 根据标题IV (R2T4)资金返还政策,学生是允许的 to retain only the amount of Title IV financial aid that was earned. 如果是学生 退出或停止参加课程,收到的援助的一部分予以考虑 必须退还给获得该奖学金的第四章项目. 如果R2T4计算结果是非劳动资助必须返回,学校 and the student are responsible for returning funds.

Leave of Absence

博天堂官方 does not have a leave of absence policy.

Earned vs Unearned F Grades

如果你在学期结束时获得0学分,这将被视为非正式退学. 如果你的成绩是F,财政援助办公室会审查最后一次出勤日期 to determine if 你 attended through the final two weeks of the term. If so, 你 are considered to have “earned” the F grade, and therefore, no R2T4 is completed. 如果 如果学生没有参加本学期最后两周的课程,这是一个“不劳而获”的F和 an R2T4 calculation is performed.

R2T4 Process

当您在付款期间(注册期间)取款时,标题的金额 到目前为止你所获得的IV项目援助是由一个特定的 公式. If 你 received (or the school or 你r parent received on 你r behalf) less 比你挣的还要多的援助,你可能会得到那些额外的资金. If 你 received more assistance than 你 earned, the excess funds must be returned. 如果你在所有尝试的课程中获得不完整的成绩(F, I, NP),这也适用 在学期中.

博天堂官方尽快处理R2T4计算,但不迟于45天 determining the student has withdrawn.

Determination of the Withdrawal Date


  • The date the student initiates the institution’s withdrawal process; or
  • 学生以其他方式通知官方有意退学的日期(e).g., letter, withdrawal form, in-person)
  • 未通知学校就离校的学生的中途离校时间; or
  • 学生参加有记录的学术相关活动的最后日期 (e.g. documented attendance in a class, lab, or submission of an assignment in an online course).

Date of Determination

对于正式退学,决定日期是学生退学的日期 all their classes.


Determination of the Amount of Aid the College Must Return

未获得的第四项援助应返还给下列项目 顺序: 

  1. Direct Unsubsidized Loan
  2. Direct Subsidized Loan
  3. Direct Parent PLUS Loan
  4. Federal Pell Grant
  5. Federal SEOG
  6. Iraq and Afghanistan Service Grant

在本学期内未参加或出席任何课程的学生将被取消 required to repay 100% of all financial aid funds disbursed to them. Students receiving 如果未完成成绩系不能证明这一点,则可能需要偿还资金 they have attended class during the term. Students must provide documentation of class attendance within a given time frame. Acceptable forms of documentation of class attendance include exams, records of attendance, or computer assisted instruction.

Determination of the Amount of Aid the Student Earned

你所获得的援助金额是按比例确定的. 为 例如,如果您完成了30%的付款期/期限,您将获得30%的援助 你 were originally scheduled to receive. Once 你 have completed more than 60% of 付款期或注册期,你获得的所有援助,你 were scheduled to receive for that period. 

以下是2022-23学年的日期,你将达到60%以上 completion for that term:

  • Summer 2023    August 4, 2023
  • Fall 2023              November 9, 2023
  • Winter 2024      February 22, 2024
  • Spring 2024        May 16, 2024

如果您没有收到您所赚取的所有资金,您可能会收到提款后 支付. If 你r post-withdrawal 支付 includes loan funds, 你r school must obtain 你r permission before disbursing them. You may choose to decline some or all of the loan funds so that 你 do not incur additional debt. 博天堂官方 may automatically 将全部或部分助学金资金用于学费; fees, and other charges on 你r student account. Post-withdrawal funds are disbursed using our normal 支付 methods. Additionally, if 你 are due a post-withdrawal 助学金的发放,将在决定之日起45天内发放. 如果您的贷款资金到期,通知将在30天内发送给您,允许 the student at least 14 days to respond to 博天堂官方. If 你 accept the post-withdrawal 贷款款项将于决定日期后不迟于45天发放.

如果R2T4计算导致取款后支出,则创建信用 在您的帐户余额,商务办公室将发送全部或部分退款 尽快给你,但不迟于14天后的计算 R2T4. 

可能会有一些第四章的资金,你计划收到,但不能 disbursed to 你 once 你 withdraw because of other eligibility requirements. 为 例如,如果你是第一次,第一年的本科学生,你没有 在您退出之前完成您的计划的前30天,您将不会收到 任何直接贷款资金,你会收到,如果你仍然注册 past the 30th day. 

如果你收到(或学校或你的父母代表你收到)多余的头衔 四、项目资金必须返还的,博天堂官方必须返还部分超额等额 to the lesser of: 

  1. 你的机构收费乘以你资金的未赚百分比,或者
  2. The entire amount of excess funds. 

即使学校没有保留你的头衔,也必须退还这笔钱 IV program funds. 

账单将被发送到学生的lbc指定的Gmail帐户(Roadrunner Mail)。. 博天堂官方 does not mail bills unless 你 opt out at a registration location. 

学生须自行支付剩余的学费 outstanding after funds are returned to the Title IV account. 失败 pay in full within 45 days 博天堂官方会将学生的账户报告给国家学生贷款数据库吗 (NSLDS). This action will result in 你 not being able to receive Federal Student 在您结清未偿还的债务之前,可以获得任何美国第四章教育机构的援助 balance with 博天堂官方.

博天堂官方 Comprehensive Statement of Nondiscrimination

住宿要求,联系无障碍资源在541-917-4789或 at least three business days in advance. 博天堂官方 does not discriminate based on any protected status in its programs or activities. 为 more information, see 博天堂官方's nondiscrimination policy.